Elk, Deer, Pronghorn and Goats

I thought that the dramatic light, blowing snow and distant monolithic mountain background gave a biblical presence to this scene when I witnessed it one cold and windy day in January.
I like the simplicity of this handsome buck against freshly fallen snow.
Big and mean, this bull was very territorial.
The cold conditions created a magical effect of steam and mist around this herd of elk.
...doesn't get you much these days, but I enjoyed this scene.
....sometimes nature is just too cool.
Winter isn't for the weak in northern Alberta.
I could feel this bull elk thinking....he was so intense.
This herd of deer were fattening up on grass in the fall in preparation for the long winter.
Elk are ever vigilant, no taking a day off.
I watched this Grizzly Bear ambush a herd of elk feeding over the crest of the hill. The bear gave them a good run but didn't get too close to capturing any of them. The speed and ferocity of the attack was a thing to behold!
I liked the strong diagonals created by the rock fissures in this Rocky Mountain Scene.
Mountain Goats are supremely adapted to this type of incredibly rugged terrain, amazing!
Bull elk tend to group together after the fall rut