
Love these guys....I don't know why.
If I were a Grizzly you would be scared!
My observations of these guys is that they usually have a fish in their mouth. I hope the fishing regulations leave a little for them.
Denizens of the high country in the Rocky Mountains.
Cute and becoming endangered due to climate change.
A kayak is a good way to approach this species for photography.
The range of this species has been dramatically reduced in North America due to habitat loss.
Chipmonk finds a suitable spot to have a snack.
This little stinker "high-tailed it" across the road and plowed through the deep snow to cover.
A group of otter were feeding on Burbot fish along side channels of the Athabasca when they surfaced briefly for me to capture a few photos.
"Rock Rabbit" is their nick name, quite descriptive.
Nest materials in mouth.
Golden-mantled ground squirrel enjoying some summer dandelion greens.
These guys loosely resemble chipmunks.