This sandpiper was a fun challenge to photograph. I had to slowly approach on hands and knees over a considerable time period so as to not spook him. I really liked the driftwood perch he choose.
This heron was having excellent success with fishing for these small minnows. Every second stab at the water rewarded him with a fish it seemed.
This gull was strolling the shoreline like he owned the place, who am I to disagree.
Handsome bird, no idea why he is solitary - lol.
I used to think we didn’t have shorebird’s in my neck of the woods. Turns out I just didn’t know where to look.
Often confused with the Kildeer.
The deeply forked tail is a key identifier.
I’m lousy at identifying shorebirds and gulls. I hope I am correct with id, my bird books get a good workout some days.
..doing the old shoreline crouch and stalk routine for bugs.
I usually see these guys running on sand or gravel in the uplands but this one was up to his ankles, I mean tarsi.
I was not wearing proper footwear for this shot, who knew runners were not the best choice for photographing shorebirds in the mud?
big stretch now…
These birds were already migrating south through the foothills in late July.
I had some trouble figuring out what this bird was. It was hanging out with a Common Snipe and they would appear and disappear. I didn’t realize their were two separate species present until I studied my photos. I guess the two species often migrate together…pretty cool.
I find that these birds are incredibly well camouflaged and on several occasions I have been startled when they spring into the air in front of me when I am out hiking in their habitat.